Many are staying here because of economic expediency.
Political and economic expediency seems to drive these policies, rather than commitment to any consistent principle, including protection of universal human rights.
Unfortunately, environmental considerations often play a subservient role to economic and political expediency and the concept of long-term sustainability is rarely attributed more than cosmetic attention.
The first two productions under his aegis - "Williams and Walker" and "Billy Bishop Goes to War," both two-man shows - appeared to be consequences of economic expediency rather than esthetic choice.
Cloke (1980a, p. 98) suggests that this may be because the concept of 'key settlements has been a cosmetic justification for a policy created merely out of economic expediency and administrative pragmatism'.
To some, however, it merely appeared that the C C P were pragmatists and that by nineteen fifty were sacrificing ideological objectives for economic and political expediency.
So far they have done little but encourage him in a course of political and economic expediency fraught with great risks for peace and democracy.
Over the past three decades we chose to ignore President Suharto's iron-fisted rule for political and economic expediency.
Will we ever settle for economic expediency?
There have been very few examples in history where eternal enemies have been reconciled and where economic expediency has been placed above parochial national ambitions.