The 1981 decennial census provides information on the social and economic characteristics of small areas of these cities.
Because of their more recent immigration, new Asian immigrants also have had different educational, economic and other characteristics than early 20th-century immigrants.
The bioregion shares economic and cultural characteristics, as well.
Some vernacular regions are based on physical environmental features; others find their basis in economic, political or historical characteristics.
Dixon also claimed that "Canada is beginning to exhibit the economic and political characteristics of a petro-state."
Computer software has special economic characteristics that make its design, creation, and distribution different from most other economic goods.
The individual targets for emissions cuts would be based on an array of economic and social characteristics.
Horizontal equity would rule out racial or sexual discrimination between people whose economic characteristics and performance were literally identical.
Individual fisheries have their own biological, economic, and sociological characteristics which make broad policies impractical.
We also examined the performance of the parties in wards with differing social and economic characteristics.