But the European economic bloc is failing to address its international responsibilities.
Yet what was long a purely economic bloc has now also assumed political responsibilities.
East Africa is a solid economic bloc with over a combined population of 120 million.
The Mercosul common market is the most important economic bloc in the region and has helped to foster trade between its members.
Tension between the two economic blocs also took center stage at the Seattle trade meeting a month and a half ago.
As both had deep trade ties with Europe, they would have been the most negatively affected by such a closed economic bloc.
"Venezuela can subsist on its own outside any economic bloc; we are part of the international community."
Their aim is to show that Europe is not just an economic bloc, but also a region held together by a cultural identity.
The regional economic blocs, apart from our own European Union, are not living through good times.
Strong products coming from abroad or from other economic blocs can point the way to future standards.