(c) To ensure that no one is denied of education due to economic backwardness and poverty.
The Hindos primarily blame politics, not culture, for Iraq's economic backwardness, and so do many experts.
So what should the nations of Europe do now that the advantages of their "economic backwardness" have been fully exploited?
Or the economic backwardness that leaves so many young Arab men without a job and a future?
In India, economic backwardness is often the result and not the cause of social evils.
On Soviet economic backwardness, he tells of visiting his wife'e relatives in 1953.
Moreover, the war rudely brought home the military cost of social and economic backwardness.
Victory over poverty and corruption on economic and technological backwardness.
But having said that, we should evaluate the quality of this backwardness: economic, political and social. How do we measure it?
China's leaders also know how much their power over international affairs remains constrained by China's relative backwardness, economic and military.