Congress last year appropriated $200 million to be spent on economic adjustment around the country over three years.
They overlook the many difficult, even painful, economic adjustments that Japan has made in recent years.
It will not be restored except by economic adjustments.
The year brought a good vintage, reduced production, stylistic changes and economic adjustments.
Such an arrangement would allow the Philippines time to make the necessary economic adjustments.
He also acknowledged that workers were carrying the main burden of economic adjustment.
We are prepared to build a smaller building, subject of course to economic adjustments being made.
In its current state it is thus the best compromise possible, allowing time for all the necessary economic adjustments, of which I am well aware.
These words make decisions with tremendous social and personal implications seem like nothing more than economic adjustments.
"If the President is paralyzed by political and legal problems, people will have less faith that these economic adjustments are going to work."