Decades of cynical, self-serving behavior from politicians has helped plummet this state into a fiscal and economic abyss.
Perhaps that was because we all felt like we were closer to the economic abyss.
I think one of the most underreported issues in college sports is the economic abyss most institutions are approaching.
New York is on the edge of an economic abyss.
But some Americans may see the beginning of the long, slow slide into the economic abyss that dominates this election.
Families with that kind of income are teetering on the edge of an economic abyss.
It enjoys dynamic growth and is overcoming the social and economic abyss that followed the communist period.
But there is an enormous political, cultural, social and economic abyss between the societies on the two sides of the mare nostrum .
In 2012, leaders will take the embattled eurozone to the edge of the political and economic abyss before deciding to resolve the crisis.
The stock market has recently crashed, but the depth of the economic abyss is not entirely apparent yet.