That would yield only six months' to a year's worth of oil, even at favorable prices, while disrupting an ecological treasure.
Wolke describes the West Pioneers region as an ecological treasure.
Today, it is known as an ecological treasure which contains the largest mangrove wetland in the state.
It's not so much that he would exploit an ecological treasure, although to many environmentalists that is the heart of the matter.
And you're never too far from the 12, 950-sq-km Desierto Sonorense, an ecological treasure of biological riches.
It lies on the northern flank of an ecological treasure called the Five Ponds Wilderness.
Heaven's Gate would be a terrible loss, but God's Grove is a cultural and ecological treasure.
Unfortunately, this national commercial and ecological treasure is facing a dire threat today.
Moreover, these would be permanent energy savings that would not require invading an ecological treasure.
The project would produce more electricity than even the mighty Three Gorges Dam but would also threaten a region considered an ecological treasure.