Calle Mercaderes (Merchant St) is chockablock with eclectic shops such as this one.
Along with residential areas, the neighborhood surrounding Belmont contains many eclectic shops, bars, and restaurants and active nightlife.
Rita, of the equally eclectic shop Delphic at No. 60, added: "It's a great mix - everything from kitsch to fine art.
The Magazine Street bus is just as convenient, and it passes some of the South's most eclectic antique shops en route.
M Map This eclectic shop sells new and used books.
The downtown area also has many eclectic shops and boutiques.
The birds, like most of the contents of Mr. Bunker's eclectic shop, came off ships that called at the port of Baltimore.
It was with some relief that we returned to the laid-back Hanalei Valley and spent the rest of the day browsing the eclectic shops in the village.
The downtown area has many eclectic shops, attracting seasonal tourism, a main staple of the local economy.
The district has the ambiance of art-deco style architecture and many fine restaurants and eclectic shops.