His eclectic interests include playing the piano, reading novels, watching wrestling and driving harness horses.
In many respects he has built his readership on his eclectic interests and made a strength of them.
Each of the series is different, though reflecting her eclectic interests and tastes.
He had eclectic interests, and was known all over the world for his research and teaching.
He was a good traveling companion and had eclectic interests.
But he was also developing a theoretical and methodological framework for his eclectic interests.
A man of eclectic interests, he is learning Yiddish expressions.
I've always prided myself on a very eclectic interest in different musical forms.
Educators say that training faculty members with more eclectic interests is the key to the improvement of undergraduate education.
Bear in mind that the books reflected my parents' left-wing politics and eclectic interests.