It is sophisticated enough to appeal to parents, too; the eclectic choices of music in this production range from Verdi to Sousa to Joplin.
The eclectic choices include tasting menus: vegetarian, traditional (but not overwhelmingly), fish and fiorentina alla Toscana (the celebrated Tuscan steak).
The space, with tall potted trees and a giant watering can with yellow tulips, has an eclectic choice of places to sit - fine for soft nights to come.
Video gaming has always provided eclectic choice, but with the help of cutting-edge technology, this year proved that now there really is something for everyone.
Galleries with an eclectic choice of drawings did the best business of all.
It offers an exciting menu of 1990's eclectic choices that often hit the mark but sometimes miss badly.
Part of Murphy's success has been his wide-ranging taste in music and the eclectic choices of musical accompaniment he has made for his dance works.
Downtown Dayton has an eclectic choice of sports bars, raves, lounges, pubs, musical bars, and holes in the wall.
Much of the appeal of Sir John's writing lies in his eclectic choice of subjects and his undogmatic approach to them.
The five other clubs offer eclectic choices, from African music, rap, acid jazz and mainstream jazz.