Mr. Rooney echoed Mr. Staub's findings.
A nationwide survey released by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) last year echoed SAMHSA's findings.
Jose Carmona, a Peruvian who has been a day laborer for nine years, echoed the summer survey's findings last week as he waited on Roosevelt Avenue.
Sadly, reports about the causes of the Monongah Mine explosion eerily echo the Upper Big Branch report's findings, says Boise State history professor Dr. Nick Casner:
Michael Evans, the president of Evans Economics Inc., a Washington consulting firm, said an informal poll of the firm's clients echoed the Fed's findings.
Soon after, the association adopted a policy that echoed the Surgeon General's findings.
"There's only so much our soldiers can accomplish," said another senior Defense Department official, echoing the report's central findings.
"It's a relatively unimpeachable documentary source," he said, echoing the study's findings.
The criminal charges filed last week echoed the safety board's findings.
They said internal frustrations at the F.B.I. appeared to echo the study's findings.