In response to this motion, the eccentric movement stretches the muscle with opposing force that is stronger than muscle force production.
The first movement is full of eccentric movement and unexpected turns.
It's the more eccentric, sudden movements - typical of soccer, football, basketball, skiing - that do the damage.
The coupling rod's off-center attachment to the outside of the driving wheel inevitably creates an eccentric movement and vibration when in motion.
Both concentric and eccentric movements have advantages in training, which is why most weight lifters perform both for set times.
Once underwater, sudden changes in speed or direction triggered - in the words of a U. S. Navy intelligence report - "dangerous and eccentric movements."
The Creston, written in 1965 and intended for the ballet stage, embraces America's love of bright lights and eccentric movement.
The choreographer performs a series of solos full of eccentric, rubber-legged movement that isolates parts of his body.
Mr. Brown's "Exotica" uses his seductive blend of urban West African dance and eccentric movement.
And overall, the dances' eccentric movement and bursts of surprise emerge by way of clever, well-prepared interpretive strokes.