Do you want to stay here and eat dried yams for the rest of your life?
Angry, the boy throws away this new tunic and says: "Listen, Papa, if you kill me, you'll eat yams and chayotes.
When he arrived none of the :,ople ate yams, now they were part of everyone's townspe diet.
You can't get a significant amount of these hormones from eating Mexican yams or using creams based on them directly, though.
Goma however were more worried about their food situation, forcing themselves to eat yams to the point where they were sick and tired of them.
I wanted to eat yams and sleep in a hut.
We'd better get our yellow asses back to some safe volcano and eat yams till this blows over.
I have friends who now eat yams as they once ate an apple a day.
Due to the famine, they had to eat yams, roots and leaves and underwent a difficult time.
She ate yams and native fruits.