They ate hurriedly, consuming their food and gulping down their coffee in less than five minutes.
They ate hurriedly, again with little to say, except for Joe's nonsense.
They ate hurriedly and changed shape, flew through the drenching rains to shelter among the trees.
They rested only minutes, ate hurriedly and were again on their way.
He ate hungrily and hurriedly, for there still were things to do.
Charles stared down into his plate, eating hurriedly.
She ate hurriedly and joined the strollers through the Fair.
Brand passed food to me and I ate hurriedly, infected by the eagerness of the others to be away.
Dinner time came and Cranston again ate hurriedly, but when he was finished there was nothing to do.
It was a gargantuan breakfast eaten hurriedly, the only conversation shouted demands to pass this or that.