Suddenly, the patrons would be asked to eat fast, and the doors were closed to keep other night people from entering.
In any random sample of people, some will eat fast, some slowly.
You don't have to sacrifice eating well in order to eat fast, as these restaurants will show.
"But you'd have to eat fast," and kudzu has never really caught on as a food source for humans.
"If these beasts eat fast the murgu who may come to look for them will find nothing."
The other people ate fast, then sat back and stared.
We made up for starting late by eating fast.
If they do eat fast the stomach might twist.
When the chickens finished eating, and they ate fast, a cup of water was put in each coop.
Use the wax paper as a handle, keep walking and eat fast.
It may also be caused by eating too fast or by overeating.
I used to eat really fast and I didn't know when I was full.
For most people, hiccups are set off by eating too fast or by swallowing air, and they tend to go away on their own.
One sense of the verb gobble, from the same French root, is "to eat fast and greedily."
"I had to eat fast and run to the library to read, because I didn't have any friends," he said.
Many of us have learned to ignore this signal, because we eat too fast or eat without thinking.
It's now possible to eat fast and get back to the art without feeling queasy.
Harkin asked the panel to return at three, but told the lawyers to eat fast and return in forty-five minutes.
Eat too fast and the mushy-tasting gruel seems to dissolve.
You will have to eat fast or there won't be much left.