He did not have indigestion although he ate ready salted crisps with his whisky.
I said, I'm not eating crisps, he said God I can smell cheese and onion or something!
I'd love to know how you interpret the Black Death- too many medieval parents leaving their kids eating crisps whilst they work all hours in the office?
You could eat crisps during the war (in a special economy war pack).
Being "forced" to spend the night at home instead, eating crisps and shouting at the telly?
She spends most of her time surfing the Internet and eating crisps and instant food, so long as Haruka is by her side.
While invisible to most, she seems to retain complete tangibility, bumping into things, touching everything - even frequently eating crisps.
They were standing there, eating crisps, their minds blank, when suddenly a smart green mini pulled up at the steps before them.
We finished the trip on a through train, drinking white wine and eating crisps, looking at the Cambrian line scenery.
One thought of him sitting through cabinet meetings, shaking his head and glumly eating crisps.