They dig up graves in order to eat corpses.
Meat worms, the kind that eat corpses.
He rolled over, saw the meal, and realized that they had been eating corpses.
"No one want to say they did it themselves, but even our own local staff confirm that people were eating corpses."
Some of them are remembering that in 1943 they had to eat frozen German corpses to stay alive.
His position, succinctly stated, was "A man of my spiritual intensity does not eat corpses."
Ruins are no good to anybody, and I am not a Jeel, to eat corpses.
The brown stack never seemed to reduce; why would a patient want to read about bugs that ate corpses?
Meanwhile, the food supplies ran out, such that the people resorted to eating human corpses.
Dogs ate corpses while babies cried hungrily beside their dead mothers.