I mean real hippies, not the kind that don't shower and eat raw corn all the time.
I've seen chimps eating corn, so gorillas probably do, too, and that gets me thinking.
"This is only for a short while, then you'll be back in your cage, eating corn."
When I eat corn on the cob, there's not any oil or syrup in it, so where do they get this stuff?
During the rainy season, it will also eat oats and corn from crops.
They are also known to eat corn, which can be used as bait.
In other places they study insects that eat blueberries or corn.
"I want me a bird that talks, and eats corn from my hand."
Some could not even eat corn and beans cooked together or the leaves of vegetables, for this would brand them as poor.
- 1 day 16 hours ago Elton likes when his old man eats corn.