We wandered up and down to the inadequate refreshment kiosk, drinking soda and eating buns.
Because it is the last day before the Lenten fast, a tradition has developed of eating buns, called "fastlagsbullar", "fettisdagsbullar" (Fat Tuesday Buns) or "semla".
'You invite them to tea, and if they refuse to eat hot-cross buns, you know that they must be disciples of the Devil.'
You're eating buns and what?
The idea of eating the hot dogs and buns separately was first demonstrated by Kazutoyo Arai and is sometimes called "Tokyo Style" or "Japanesing".
I don't usually eat eggs, sausage, sticky buns and greasy potatoes.
Almost all serious eaters eat hot dogs and buns separately.
This is talk we might listen to while eating buns at a Sunday School treat.
After we'd all eaten toasted buns and tea, in front of the open fire with Grandma, they came out to see me get in my car to drive home.
He has also eaten 41 hot dogs and buns in 12 minutes at the 2009 Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest.