Mr. Roberts, a vegetarian, said that he had eaten brisket and brownies for dinner made by Mr. Dearman's brother-in-law.
About 100 people ate barbecue sandwiches and brownies at long tables before beginning a routine discussion of church business.
The title was chosen because Bramantyo liked eating brownies.
They ate the fruit and the remaining chocolate chip cookies and brownies.
More men than women eat ready-made brownies, Ms. Howard said, adding that men's brownie consumption rises between ages 13 and 34, and again between ages 45 and 54.
When do people eat ready-made brownies?
Butter will be the tobacco of today," he continues, tongue firmly in cheek (I think), "and those eating brownies will be forced outdoors.
We ate brownies and ice cream before dinner.
Is it because they have less time to eat brownies?
Person 1: You may eat cake, pie, or brownies.