Within the resort, particular gambling areas, bars, eating areas and meeting rooms are named after New York City neighborhoods or landmarks.
Busloads of scouts and troop leaders scampered around from morning to evening yesterday, receiving their camp assignments, pitching tents and setting up eating areas.
The amendment to Westchester's Health Code bans smoking in all eating areas of restaurants, regardless of the size of the establishment.
The young larvae nibble the fruit skin, but older larvae eat large areas in the fruit, causing discoloration and surface dryness.
Sarah was acting as quartermaster, choosing and organizing the preparation of the dormitories and eating areas.
Yokohama spends $2 million a year for services in Kotobukicho, including running two large centers with indoor lounges, television rooms, health clinics, bathing facilities and eating areas.
In 1998, Mr. Menino enacted regulations that restaurants must either partition off smoking areas or put them at least six feet away from eating areas.
The trouble with many new designs is the mingling of bar areas with eating areas.
The main cooking, eating and visiting areas are also on the first floor.
There were benches and eating areas.