The company was sued in 2003 by Charles Grady, who claimed that his throat had been damaged because of eating Doritos.
A video was made featuring her pet dog (a pug) barking at a window as he watches her brother eat Doritos.
And the organizers are listing WeWantWork on their resumes, to show that they're doing more than watching TV and eating Doritos during their unemployed stints.
Sure, the richer are richer and the poor are eating Doritos.
X is eating Doritos and offers Amy some, but receives no response.
If you think we're going to shop in that store and eat Doritos, mutton, and canned beans for dinner, you're crazy.
"We're not going to stop sitting on the couch, watching TV and eating Doritos," she said.
Around her, he could be himself, someone who occasionally lounged around in sweats or ate Doritos in front of the television.
The governors later parodied their ad; when they were interviewed on the CBS news program 60 Minutes, the two were often seen eating Doritos.
Sam and Lonnie were sprawled on the bed, eating Doritos, and Abbey Road was playing on the stereo.