All of the trucks had cloth interiors that were somewhat similar, comfortable and with easy-to-use controls.
Two easy-to-use controls allow tweaking of the automated results and adjustments to particular spots - to avoid, for instance, making wrinkles more obvious in portraits.
They do everything from designing graphics for a home-shopping service to fashioning an easy-to-use remote control.
Increasingly, however, electronics companies are recognizing that building an easy-to-use remote control is an important and challenging task.
They must have easy-to-use controls.
It has easy-to-use controls, and grandma can simply put the ingredients into the machine, which will mix and bake them as directed.
The navigation system, distinguished by an unusually large and detailed color screen and easy-to-use controls, did its job with only minor flaws.
It's important to check that extra features, such as a heater or dehumidifier, have adequate and easy-to-use controls.
Other nice touches were easy-to-use controls, sturdy cup holders and numerous storage pockets and compartments.
This year, there are more than a dozen variations on the theme, portable players offering features like FM-radio tuners and easy-to-use controls.