The open expanse around the Javits center and its modern facilities make it a much easier project to set up the show, exhibitors say.
In an interview Slash stated that "the live album was one of the easiest projects we all worked on.
Obviously, this could not have been an easy project.
It is a fun and easy project.
In a recent interview Gillan observed that, despite the number of participants and guest appearances, this was the easiest project he ever put together.
Your children are likely to find this project much easier to do than you are!
The book describes more than 2000 easy to implement projects and best practices of participating towns and cities.
I'm sure it'll be an easy project for our favorite genius.
The challenge for organizations is this: the easiest projects to start and fund are those that go after existing icons.
What would you have to do,- and would modern technology make the project any easier?