Allrianne, however, rode with easy mastery, something one would need in order to remain on the back of a galloping horse while wearing such a frivolous dress.
There is about the recent works - for all the variety and easy mastery he brings, especially to his drawings - a personal mythologizing.
As usual, Mr. Lupu's posture of easy mastery, his back tilted a little away from the piano, told only half the story.
Perhaps even he was taken in by the deceptive, easy mastery that superlative comic actors show.
The Irish were ecstatic at their easy mastery of a much more numerous foe.
Once into the substance, Lake shows an easy mastery of the subject, high intelligence and good judgment.
But all of them demonstrate the crisp expertise of Berlin's lyric-making and his easy mastery of popular music forms.
Mr. Travis demonstrated an easy mastery, even sometimes playing the conga with one hand and a cymbal with another.
Although Rashid detested these lessons as a child, but the disciplined training shows in his easy mastery of taan (arpeggios) and layakaari today.
They displayed an easy mastery of the musical flow but also a curiously passionless temperament, narrow dynamic range and intermittently loose ensemble.