This will make backwards compatibility an easier leap for Windows 7 users.
One easy leap later she was over the cross street and on the rooftop of the opposite four-story building.
The lion was bounding along in easy leaps scarce five paces behind.
After his the Kittle House experience, it should be an easy leap.
Wiz followed June with an easy leap and a quick chin up.
None of the republics are close enough in kilometers or economic culture to make an easy leap into capitalist Europe.
He made it in a single easy leap, then waited, crouched, for his pursuer to appear.
For many conservative Democrats, it is an easy leap because they do not have to undergo any ideological contortions.
He'd be the first to admit that going from international superstar to swivel-chair-riding executive has been no easy leap.
Meanwhile the four others sprang out of the stable in two easy leaps, one behind the other; Grasaffe followed them.