Woods hit three terrific approach shots early that led to easy birdies.
Instead, his 5-iron landed about 10 feet from the pin, giving him a surprisingly easy birdie on a hard hole.
At No. 5, he hit a pure 9-iron approach that stopped about 3 feet from the hole, setting up an easy birdie.
"With a very good drive, you can set yourself up for an easy birdie."
Daly blasted his drive 340 yards at No. 14, setting up an easy birdie.
But his next shot was terrific, an 8-iron from 158 yards that finished 2 feet from the cup for another easy birdie.
The ball stopped six inches from the cup for an easy birdie 3.
She hit a sand wedge to within 3 feet at No. 11 for an easy birdie.
There he finished by hitting a 7-iron approach within 2 feet of the cup for an easy birdie 3.
It stopped a foot from the cup for an easy birdie.