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In a council of eastern bishops and abbots, at which Alberic presided, Rodolph was deposed, and was cast into prison (30 November 1140).
But while the council was in progress, John I of Antioch and the eastern bishops arrived, and were furious to hear that Nestorius had already been condemned.
In 324 he wrote to the eastern bishops, urging them to "ask without hesitation whatever [funds] you find to be necessary"77 from the imperial treasury.
When the conference opened, a couple of members of the League of Empire Loyalists, one a journalist and the other a chiropodist, hired eastern bishops' flowing robes from a theatrical costumier, walked in unchallenged, and got up to make a speech against the 'archterrorist' Makarios.
The diocese of Gumal was the fifth of the twelve dioceses established by the eastern Jacobite bishops in 595.
The Jacobite bishop Yonan of 'Gulmarga' was deposed in 790 at a synod held by the eastern bishops in the monastery of Knushia in the Balad district.
Zoghby was one of the most active eastern Catholic bishops to participate at the Second Vatican Council, where he offered eleven interventions.
In 358, the emperor Constantius II requested two councils, one of the western bishops at Ariminum and one of the eastern bishops at Nicomedia.
The eastern bishops then continued as the Roman civil structure was stripped away.
When the belated western summons reached them, the eastern bishops gathered there sent a courteous but firm reply, excusing themselves from attending, apart from a token delegation of three, but not yielding an inch on the disputed issues.