Polgár is a city in the administrative county of Hajdú-Bihar in eastern Hungary.
A list of associated topics with Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county in eastern Hungary.
About three weeks earlier, he had told associates that he was heading for Debrecen, in eastern Hungary, to seek contact with Soviet military commanders.
Heves is a small city in eastern Hungary.
Inside, the coffered ceiling is a common element in churches in eastern Hungary and Transylvania.
Some Walsers have later settled portions of eastern Hungary, most were found in the Tokay wine region.
Her most widely read novel Abigél ("Abigail", 1970) is an adventure story about a schoolgirl boarding in eastern Hungary during the war.
Within 36 hours, new Soviet troops entered eastern Hungary.
Maurice Ascalon was born as Moshe Klein in eastern Hungary.
Mr President, some years ago a leading EU official visited a small village in eastern Hungary.