After 1932 there was an additional eastbound trip on Thursdays.
Route 93 otherwise only serves the Station on eastbound trips.
On eastbound trips, the Blue line stops at:
There are 3 eastbound trips and 4 westbound trips.
It has 7 eastbound trips and 3 westbound trips.
There are 6 westbound trips and 5 eastbound trips.
The eastbound trips come about every 15 minutes from 3:41 PM to 6:11 PM.
An eastbound or westbound trip is $1,599 a person in double occupancy, with all meals, transfers and taxes included.
The George Washington Bridge had 800,000 fewer eastbound trips than the 50.4 million of 1986.
The July 22 and Sept. 1 and 25 eastbound trips start at $1,299.