Due to its unique nature and the easily usable editor the game has acquired a small, but very dedicated community of fans.
Hard to find one easily usable.
A fundamental problem for biological systems is to obtain nitrogen in an easily usable form.
Switches and controls are more easily usable and placed where people can find them.
Tom Moritz, the director of library services, has created an easily usable online world with many byways.
It is designed to be easily usable and feature-rich, but not so many features that becomes unusable.
A grille is easily usable for protection of brief information such as a key word or a key number in such a use.
What matters is that nobody's mainstream OS is both safe and easily usable.
It is a conglomeration of several library parts, all under free software licenses that make them easily usable on embedded products.
This version of the Internet is specifically designed to be easily usable on cellular phones and other portable devices.