He'll give the ball a thump if it's in his areas but that could all easily unravel if he gets a working over by the short stuff.
These are contentious issues in Macedonia, and officials cautioned that the progress in the last several days could easily unravel as Macedonian and Albanian parties worked out the details.
"If any thread is pulled out now, the entire fabric could easily unravel," the Sierra Club told the court.
A knitted object will unravel easily if the top has not been secured.
Reinstating the very United States officials who presided over this bleak period sends a dangerous, backward-looking signal that could easily unravel the region's tentative efforts toward peace, democracy and respect for human rights.
Without him in the Government, the fragile peace could easily unravel.
The stitches of cro-tatting (and needle tatting before you close a ring) unravel easily, unlike tatting that is made with a shuttle.
In the complex world of foster care, these young mothers move in a philosophical limbo, caught in a web child-welfare officials cannot easily unravel.
He was in a weak position and relied on a coalition with other parties that could easily unravel and force King Victor Emmanuel III to dismiss him.
She recognized the intricate patterns of magical energy, glyphs and wards, on the drawer, but they were woven too tightly for her to easily unravel.