Want an effective, long-acting method of birth control that requires little effort and is easily reversible.
If these upgrades are easily reversible to the original condition, then they would be less controversial.
And that's the operation which is not easily reversible, by which I mean we don't know how to reverse that.
Unfortunately, changing existing behavior is much more complicated because the effects of early experiences are not easily reversible.
The good news is that in most cases, it's easily reversible once you stop taking the drug.
The political effects are not easily reversible.
"It has the potential to be the method of choice, because you don't have to remember to take a pill, and it's easily reversible."
Although easily reversible, the relative ease in which the glue breaks down makes this a less strong bonding method.
Although the changes were easily reversible, it was still disturbing to most people to have their bodies start changing shape on them.
The main advantage of a trial separation, of course, is that it's easily reversible.