This helped to make high style easily reproducible in quantity, bringing it within reach of the general public.
Huh, just bought this on Wednesday, didn't have an issue there so it doesn't appear to be an easily reproducible bug.
It's not reproducible by computers very easily.
"Xerox art" refers to simple ink drawings that are easily reproducible using a photocopy (or Xerox) machine.
The Müller's frog experiment became a physiology professor's favorite - it was an easily reproducible experiment, and it has been used widely since then in teaching neurophysiology.
Many artists of that time were drawn to the utopian notion of a medium that was easily reproducible and therefore democratic and widely accessible.
Stencil graffiti makes use of a paper, cardboard, or other media to create an image or text that is easily reproducible.
One of the central paradoxes of the information society is that it makes information easily reproducible, leading to a variety of freedom/control problems relating to intellectual property.
The questions, tensions, and social concerns surrounding copyright and the Internet are very different for scientific and medical literature than for other kinds of easily reproducible digital works.
"Small actions, therefore, easily reproducible, requiring unsophisticated means that are available to all, are by their very simplicity and spontaneity uncontrollable."