Schedeen said that the issue was emotionally brutal, and frustrating because Nightwing is easily rendered helpless by the Joker's machinations.
And the fatalism of reconnecting the glamorous Michele to the sordidness of her ghetto girlhood is a bit too easily rendered.
In print, the term is easily rendered as the 00's.
Or, for that matter, easily rendered in print.
Of course the Constructors have another label-but it is not easily rendered into English.
If it's a matter of a duel or a clash with accepted opinion, the word "challenge" is easily rendered by vyzov.
These are easily rendered as speech by screen reading software.
Citta is not easily rendered into English.
It could also have salmonella, a microbiological contamination that can be hazardous but is easily rendered harmless through sound food-handling methods and cooking techniques.
Elaborate objects can be created by using solid modeling techniques and easily rendered.