The blower motor could also not be easily relocated, since the windscreen wiper motor was mounted in the passenger side space.
They are easily relocated from one bay or field to another as the required water level is reached.
Some businesses can be easily relocated.
Unfortunately, with the exception of a small amount of UHF spectrum that will become available upon the completion of the transition from analogue to digital television, these bands are occupied on a piecemeal basis by incumbent users that are not easily relocated.
Using this feature, sections of manuscript can be easily and quickly relocated in the text.
The city had lobbied for this for some time, since the bridge's terminus at a city street was viewed by many residents of the city as a safety concern; however, the bridge terminus itself cannot be easily relocated due to the already highly urbanized nature of the Sault, Ontario waterfront.
A contentious issue exists since the receiving equipment is easily relocated and most DTH satellite providers prefer to charge a subscription fee on a per dwelling basis, much like cable-TV, and not on a per-receiver or per-customer basis.
As you know, financial transactions are easily relocated outside the EU.
Dr. Bolivar Trask equipped Master Mold with powerful weaponry and the ability to speak; Master Mold was also mobile so that it could defend itself from mutant attackers or so that it can be relocated easily if Trask had to find a new headquarters.
Unlike factories, the centers can be relocated easily to lower-wage cities, or even overseas.