Button Men was revamped into a trading-card format that can be easily printed on a standard inkjet and cut apart for gameplay.
As woodcut can be easily printed together with movable type, because both are relief-printed, it was the main medium for book illustrations until the late-sixteenth century.
Colorbands were commonly used (especially on resistors) because they were easily printed on tiny components, decreasing construction costs.
Since paper model patterns can be easily printed and assembled, the Internet has become a popular means of exchanging them.
Footsteps were easily printed on the snow!
Hence it is used today by many international magazines, because it can be printed easily on equipment designed for either A4 or US Letter.
They can store dozens, sometimes hundreds, of images that can be printed easily at home or sent by e-mail.
Nylon can be printed easily and has excellent wear characteristics.
Short publications explaining specific ADA issues that are designed to be easily printed and distributed to employees.
This double skinned 'Correx' or 'Coroplast' was commonly used in advertising and industry, being readily available in flat sheet form, easily printed and die cut.