The goals and potential of immigrants striving to learn English are not easily pigeonholed.
Mr. Lamm is not easily pigeonholed.
But as Mr. Duncan plays him, Coffey is too flabbergasting a figure to be easily pigeonholed anyhow.
Ms. McBroom, who struck gold in 1980 by composing the title song for "The Rose," is a talent not easily pigeonholed.
If only I had a REAL Jewish mother - easily pigeonholed and filed away - a real literary property.
I honestly believe that if a book looks truly remarkable, it won't matter how big the type is, or whether it can be easily pigeonholed; people will just want it.
The rider whose training program largely involves outworking everyone else is easily pigeonholed as the boy who endured hard work on his Mennonite family's farm in Farmersville, Pa.
"We're easily pigeonholed as loafer-wearing jerks."
In a time of aging marathoners and mountain climbers, and a culture drenched in images of fitness and sport, this is a routine impulse, easily pigeonholed.
Though appointed by a Republican president, Kennedy is not easily pigeonholed ideologically.