In addition, image data produced with outside programs such as Deluxe Paint is easily imported and split into background tiles or sprites.
To aid the user in modeling, attachments such as , , , and can be easily imported.
QUIS Version 5.5 stores data in a format that could be easily imported into most popular spreadsheet and statistical analysis applications.
Oil operations were constantly expanding, and the oil companies provided their workers with regular pay and supplies of food and other goods, which were easily imported.
While rice cannot be imported easily, some products made from rice can.
Local software must be capable of exporting data in a format that can be easily imported into the statewide database.
For users with more sophisticated report management requirements, reports designed for JasperReports can be easily imported into the JasperServer - the interactive report server.
Since it is designed with OpenStreetMap compatibility in mind, OSM data files can be easily imported.
Endnote, RefMan, BibTex and Connotea libraries can be easily imported.
The internal graphics are suitable for publication, and can be easily imported into illustration or animation programs for further enhancements.