They become easily fatigued trying to maintain the body's centre of gravity while absorbing the weight of a bag.
Although he recovered, his heart muscle and valves were weakened and he found himself easily fatigued afterward.
He was rapidly losing weight and easily fatigued.
The towering Reichers were gawky, easily fatigued, and thickly accented.
The hunters were ushered before the elders; that was unusual at this late hour-the elders fatigued easily.
Grimaud takes his rest now; he goes to bed early, for my poor old servant gets easily fatigued.
He was especially merciless with Ross, who seemed the most easily fatigued.
In a meeting with reporters, Soler reported that he was still weak and easily fatigued.
Motor tension (restlessness, muscle tension, and being easily fatigued).
Some individuals become easily fatigued while undergoing radiation treatment while others sail though with no complaints.