Some people describe this predisposition as an easily excitable autonomic nervous system.
Tanaka plays the straight man to the easily excitable and scheming Taishō.
These children had easily excitable nervous systems and the very shy were more likely to have a thin face and blue eyes.
Most Tellarites were pugnacious and easily excitable, but Gavar was atypical.
Now both friends need help, and the only person who can give it is the enigmatic and easily excitable boy.
The Wampus cat is easily excitable and a formidable foe.
What's not to like for the easily excitable?
He was more easily excitable, more readily carried away than the rest, weaker in character.
Strychnine is an alkaloid belonging to a group of chemicals called analeptics, which act on nerve cells to make them more easily excitable.
"He's the type of guy who is easily excitable on the mound," Duncan said.