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It was just the kind of device that could have easily eluded detection by conventional X-ray scanners.
It is a sect with little or no fear of public bodies, because its members believe that they can easily elude this.
The one called Kali ran at Murdo and made a clumsy grab, which the young man easily eluded.
By swinging to the south and looping westward, he could easily elude them.
Jimmy easily eluded the colony police stationed around the hotel and headed for the center of town.
After all, Kevin told himself sharply, hadn't the Dark Elf easily eluded his kin for four years?
He'd just take to the fields, where he could easily elude one pursuer.
He easily eluded me and said, "Be calm!
She directed a cuff at his head that he easily eluded, though the stacked cups and plates rattled and nearly fell.
There were a couple of coded traps, which he eluded easily.