After a while, she'd drifted into a restless sleep, easily disturbed by the sounds around her.
There was no sign of anything waiting for her, but she had learned to leave subtle telltales, things easily disturbed by interlopers.
However, unlike horses, cattle do not sleep while standing; they only rest that way, and they are easily disturbed.
Hilling may also be used to stabilize the stems of crops which are easily disturbed by wind.
The vasculature to the femoral head is easily disturbed during fractures or from swelling inside the joint capsule.
This method, however, is easily disturbed if this field gets faulty in some way, thus making it hard to keep up synchronization.
Pyroprocessing does not use radiation sensitive solvents and is not easily disturbed by decay heat.
His tragedy is a result of free will that falls short of insight, one that is easily disturbed by injustice.
He must have served Lear in some senior court capacity for some time, since he isn't easily disturbed by the ebb and flow of politics.
The species is easily disturbed by humans, especially when nesting, and may desert nesting sites as a result.