I got roaring drunk that once, but that's easily cured.
"Mark says most nervous conditions and even some mental problems could be cured easily if people would learn to meditate."
Bladder cancer is easily cured if found and treated early.
And some scholars say the law's defects are easily cured.
Poor people lack health insurance, which prevents them from seeing a doctor until they are too sick to be easily cured, if at all.
These pearl shaped wounds usually are found on the face, however, in most cases it does not spread and can be easily cured.
"After all we went through, she died of something that is usually cured so quickly and easily."
This easily cured by a water change, which should be regular.
Two hundred years from now someone may find a use for her, and her disease perhaps easily cured.
The swelling can, in most cases, be easily cured.