In the former kitchen, now a nascent darkroom, any number of small and easily concealable cameras were being loaded with very fast film.
The pepperbox experienced a kind of "revival" in the late 19th century as a short, easily concealable pocketweapon that used pinfire cartridges.
The weapons' designs make them easily concealable and can be used as secret weapons during combat to achieve an edge over opponents.
They were frequently used by women, because they are easily concealable in a purse or as a stocking gun.
Initially popular with military officers, the Deringer became widely popular among civilians who wished to own a small and easily concealable pistol for self-defense.
For covert operations, the easily concealable weapon could be fitted with a silencer.
When inactive, a Fighting Pike resembles a metal tube or cylinder of about 15 by 5 centimetres and is easily concealable.
He recommends that suburban guerrilla bands should be armed with easily concealable weapons, such as handguns and a sawed-off shotgun or carbine.
More problematic than the actual theft of the work is its subsequent transport, which proves difficult to prosecute since most paintings are easily concealable.
A referendum on rescinding the law, which bans cheap, easily concealable pistols, will be on the ballot Nov. 8.