The explosion from this Destiny was as spectacular as the first, the noise easily audible to the naked ear.
Eventually Jathmir spoke, his voice soft yet easily audible throughout the tent.
The difference, 14 cents, is about a seventh of a half step, easily audible.
The voice from the other table quacked rapidly on, easily audible in spite of the surrounding din.
The two boys, bringing up the rear, exchanged a lazy comment with the word "characters" easily audible.
His voice was a harsh whisper, easily audible.
He spoke in a loud voice that was easily audible to Ko-tah and his retainers in the corridor without.
A body hit the floor with a thump easily audible through the thin wall.
In many of the band's songs his playing is easily audible over the harsh vocals and guitar riffs.
If not as loud as the frog-voiced nomenclator, they were still clear and easily audible.