For all its hardships, Calamar has a feeling of community that is hard won in Colombia, and not easily abandoned.
Mud and grass huts, easily put up, easily abandoned.
Dionysius had abandoned two easily defensible cities without any compelling military reason.
In this way engagement on Twitter appears easily abandoned or relegated, generally in favour of the next popular news item.
Thankfully, Nolisting can be easily abandoned if it ceases to be useful.
The standards of a lifetime are not easily abandoned.
Yet the pace in this tiny hamlet in Washington, Conn., is slow enough that city pretenses are easily abandoned.
Empress Yang was instrumental in persuading him to have her son designated crown prince anyway, arguing that tradition should not be abandoned easily.
The notion of Falwell attacking a cartoon character is too appealing to liberal prejudices to be easily abandoned.
The masquerade wasn't easily abandoned.