The "Left Behind" phenomenon, scholars say, is one indication of the public's fixation on the millennium and the widespread anticipation that the year 2000 portends some earth-shattering event.
It's the kind of earth-shattering event at which some stories end, but for this one it's only the beginning.
Al-Douri claimed that many people "have doubted the ability of Al-Qaeda to carry out such a momentous, earth-shattering event."
"This is an earth-shattering event," she'd said firmly.
This series, in which he verbally dances through the earth-shattering events in history is, quite simply, exciting.
A co-ed missing for a few days is hardly an earth-shattering event.
An earth-shattering event in this area was the retirement of Betty Hartley after 19 years teaching.
It would not be an earth-shattering event if she did.
This was a memorable and earth-shattering event and I am sure it is marked in his memory for ever.
Analogous to an earthquake that disrupts service, other "earth-shattering" events that most affect an organization will be unknown or unknowable, in advance.