The French trumpets were pealing and the earth was vibrating from the mass of hooves, but the sergeants' and officers' voices sounded coolly over the threat.
The earth vibrated against her back, and for a moment panic rose.
He could feel the earth vibrate beneath his feet, and from the bushes ahead, he heard a deep rumbling sound, like the purr of a large jungle cat.
Minor explosive sounds in the ground were heard and the earth vibrated on 7 September 2011 at around 09:00 AM and 04:00 PM.
The earth and air were vibrating now with the sound and the movement of the shuttle.
The earth... well, the Mars earth . . . shook and vibrated.
The earth vibrated, and the air had the sharp smell of ozone.
The earth is continuously vibrating, although at extremely low frequencies (on the order of once every couple of hundred seconds or so) and amplitudes.
Gael Baudino They raced for the army as the earth vibrated beneath them.
I felt it first: the earth beneath us vibrating to the distant stamp of the huge metal feet.