Dying flowers and skimpy weeds straggle in the beaten earth surrounding it.
The earth surrounding it was dried instantly by the incredible heat of rapid combustion, turned into dust by the shock-wave, and sent up in a thirty-foot plume.
Great rifts in the earth surrounding the buggies suggest that an earthquake has happened, which reenacts Thunder Mesa's turning point from a prosperous community to a ghost town.
The dark earth surrounding us smelled like what it was, moist dirt where worms and animals lived their daily lives.
Estonia began excavating the earth surrounding a Soviet-era war memorial in the capital, Tallinn, a step toward relocating it to a military cemetery.
When the newlyweds return, they will both be working for YEAR-3000, a toxic-waste cleanup company commissioned by the government to detoxify the earth surrounding the Plants.
But there were no KGB guards waiting on the packed earth surrounding the shaft.
Huge cracks ran out from it, not only in the cement walk but in the earth surrounding it.
Turrell began work in 1972 on possibly the largest piece of land art thus far, reshaping the earth surrounding the extinct Roden Crater volcano in Arizona.
Also contained in the earth Surrounding the bones were flints of fine workmanship and small fragments of animal bones.